Does Yoga Build Strength?

The team at Club Vitality often gets asked: Does yoga build strength? In truth, we regularly field questions such as “Does yoga make you lose weight?” or “Can you recommend some yoga poses for strength and flexibility?” So, in this article, we’re going to delve into these areas, showcasing why yoga is an exceptional tool for both building strength and aiding weight loss.

Can Yoga Truly Build Strength?

Yoga can indeed build strength. When you perform yoga asanas (postures), you’re using your body weight as resistance. This technique, known as isometric contraction, is surprisingly effective at building muscle strength. A 2015 study found that people who practiced yoga had significant improvements in muscular strength.

Yoga also works the small, stabilising muscles that traditional gym workouts might neglect, leading to a balanced and holistic form of strength training.

Does Yoga Make You Lose Weight?

While yoga isn’t typically associated with weight loss as cardio exercises might be, it does play a crucial role in fostering a healthier lifestyle. An Australian study found that regular yoga practice was associated with mindful eating, which helps prevent overeating and aids weight loss.

Practising vigorous forms of yoga such as Vinyasa or Ashtanga can even provide a decent calorie burn.

Yoga Poses for Strength and Flexibility

Yoga doesn’t just offer strength-building benefits but also promotes flexibility. Some effective poses for strength and flexibility include:

  1. Warrior Pose Series (Virabhadrasana): These poses work your legs, glutes, and core.
  2. Plank Pose: An excellent posture for building core strength.
  3. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana): Works the legs, stretches the hips, and opens the chest.
  4. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): Builds balance and strengthens the core.

Yoga Vs Strength Training for Weight Loss

When it comes to comparing yoga and strength training directly for weight loss, the outcomes largely hinge on the specific yoga style you choose and the intensity of the strength training routine you follow.

However, yoga has an edge in that it promotes mindfulness, stress reduction, and improved mental health β€” all beneficial for weight management.

Harness the Power of Yoga with Club Vitality

At Club Vitality, we’re more than just a fitness centre. We’re a community that empowers our members to take control of their physical and mental wellbeing. We believe that yoga is a vital part of this journey.

Our Yoga Classes

We offer a range of yoga classes to suit all abilities and preferences. Our dynamic Vinyasa classes are perfect for those seeking a strength-building, heart-pumping session. Meanwhile, our Hatha classes provide a gentler experience, focusing on flexibility and relaxation.

And, if you’re new to yoga, don’t worry! We’re also proud to offer classes tailored specifically for beginners. In these classes, our seasoned instructors patiently walk you through the basics, ensuring that you grasp the mechanics of each pose and comprehend the benefits it delivers.

Check out our class timetable for more details.

Yoga at Home

Don’t have time to come to our studios? No problem. We also offer online classes, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of yoga from the comfort of your own home. Whether it’s a quick session before work or a wind-down routine before bed, our online classes make yoga accessible and convenient.

Yoga Equipment at Club Vitality

For those looking to deepen their practice, we also stock a range of quality yoga equipment, from mats to yoga blocks, to assist you in your yoga journey.

Ready to Embark on Your Yoga Journey?

We hope we’ve answered your burning question: “Does yoga build strength? And at Club Vitality, we’re here to guide you on that journey. Contact us today to start your journey with yoga. Let’s unlock your strength and flexibility together!

Choosing the Right Style for You

Power Yoga and Ashtanga are excellent choices for building strength, thanks to their dynamic sequences and prolonged holds. Yin Yoga, on the other hand, is slow-paced and targets deeper connective tissues, making it fantastic for flexibility.

Restorative Yoga, too, is an excellent option for anyone aiming to keep their stress levels in check. This, in return, can contribute positively to maintaining a healthy weight.

Setting a Regular Schedule

To reap the full benefits of yoga, consider making it part of your daily routine. Just 15-30 minutes of daily yoga can make a significant difference over time. Try out our online yoga classes to build a consistent practice at home.

The Unique Club Vitality Approach to Yoga

At Club Vitality, we understand that everyone’s journey to strength and fitness is unique. That’s why we offer a personalised approach to yoga. We assist our members in identifying the most suitable yoga styles and poses that align seamlessly with their individual objectives, be it amplifying their strength, shedding some weight, or enhancing their flexibility.

Our committed and knowledgeable instructors stand ready to accompany you at every stage of your yoga journey. They’ll ensure you’re executing each pose accurately to reap maximum benefits and lower the risk of any potential injuries.


So, does yoga build strength? Absolutely. Yoga is an immensely potent, holistic exercise form that provides a myriad of advantages, extending well beyond merely enhancing strength and flexibility. If you’re prepared to discover how yoga can be a strong ally in achieving your health and fitness ambitions, our Club Vitality team is ready to connect with you.

We’re eager to guide you on your wellness journey.


Does yoga build muscle?

Yes, yoga can build muscle strength through isometric contraction and by targeting smaller stabilising muscles.

Is yoga better than gym?

Both offer unique benefits. Yoga promotes flexibility, balance, and mindfulness, while gym workouts might offer more intense strength-building exercises.

Does yoga help with weight loss?

Yes, yoga aids weight loss by promoting mindful eating and can burn calories, especially when practising more vigorous forms.

Can yoga replace strength training?

While yoga can certainly build strength, it might not replace the high-intensity resistance training in the gym. Ideally, a combination of both could be beneficial.

What style of yoga is best for strength?

Power yoga, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa are all forms of yoga that can build significant strength.
